Displaying 61 - 90 of 104 in total

Dethrone Your Inner Critic With Self-Compassion

Maybe there is actually nothing "wrong with you". Maybe it's okay that you slipped up. Maybe you can help yourself feel better instead of choosing to make yourself fee...

Feeling "Not Good Enough?"

It's normal to have confidence which varies depending on the context. But for many people who struggle with emotional eating or binge eating, feeling inferior to someo...

Your New Language of Recovery

Want to see yourself making more progress? Want to feel stronger and more motivated on a daily basis? It's all in the words you use. In this episode we'll touch on the...

Distress Tolerance (and Prevention!)

If I were your fairy godmother, I'd wave my magic wand and get you out of every crappy situation: marathon Zoom meetings, the splitting headache days, I'd even get you...

Moving Past "I Binge When I'm Stuck"

Feeling stuck or helplessly trapped in a distressing situation is one of our clients' most troubling setups. You might feel "stuck" when you are physically confined so...

Drain the Strength from Your Urges

What if you could make an urge wither as soon as it started, so it never gained power from the start? Then they wouldn't overpower you, boss you around, or heckle you....

"Might As Well"

The road to a regrettable eating experience has some signs. One of them reads, "MIGHT AS WELL!" with a big arrow pointing to food and drink. But you don't need to foll...

It's Not Over Yet

In this episode, Georgie tells a story of how her inner quitter got the upper hand - but was proven to be a liar. And since then, it's never held the same power over h...

Building A Positive, Healthy Relationship With Food

Healthy relationships make us feel alive and nurtured. Dysfunctional or tumultuous relationships, on the other hand are zero fun! If the dynamic between you and food v...

Why The MORE Method Works to End Binge and Emotional Eating

You've tried to improve your health by eating less. Sitting less. Getting less upset, and being less emotional. You wonder if you can make fewer excuses or be less laz...

A Success "Secret" Everyone Can Know

We know how it is. You're trying to stop certain behaviors. Trying hard."No more nibbling crackers," you tell yourself. Or "I have to stop going for second bowls of ic...

The World Has Changed (You May Not Need Binges Anymore)

Sometimes it's shocking to see just how different the world has become in a relatively short period of time. There are some important considerations in today's episode...

Why Overeating Doesn't Have To Lead to a Binge Ever Again

It seems paradoxical that having a very full stomach would cause a sudden urge to ... eat even more. Yet it's one of the most common triggers for people who struggle w...

6 Steps to Forming A New Habit (Or Stopping An Unwanted One)

"I can't seem to stick with something.""I keep trying to stop reading the phone at night." "I should be getting our for more walks." These all ways we express our desi...

"I Can't Keep Up This Perfect Streak!"

The pressure to maintain a perfect binge-free streak can be our undoing. When we start stringing together binge-free days, instead of feeling relaxed, we can become th...

How Body Acceptance and Improvement Fit Together

Body acceptance: it sounds positive, but also like it might conflict with having goals of changing our bodies. Here's how the two concepts fit together - and why there...

Making Space

How can a person cope with living in an emotionally intense environment? Well, we can eat or distract ourselves literally all day long, or we can try something called ...

Keep Calm and Carry On (And How To Quit Ruminating!)

We can look to history for examples of how humans have withstood major crises. A global pandemic may be a first for us personally, but other generations have had certa...

Crisis Survival: How to Get Through

Stressful times can knock us on our butts. Upheaval and life drama have the power to derail our health and fitness habits and leave us taking not-so-good care of our b...

Let's End This Myth About Binge Eating Recovery

Intuitive Eating is one approach to food that helps people find an alternative to binge eating and dieting. But sometimes, the message to eat whatever your intuition t...

How To Stop Your Waistline from Running Your Life (Over-Concern with Weight and Shape)

Do you care about the size and shape of your body? Of course you do! Do you care too much about the size and shape of your body? Well now, that's a harder question. In...

The Beauty of Being Able To Trust Yourself Again (And How to Get There)

We teach our clients to use a 3-D process to get past urges to binge. Delay, Distract, and Decide. But if you currently have a hard time trusting yourself, it doesn't ...

Your Body Is Doing Its Best

Most of us know what it's like to be let down by our bodies. We compare them to other bodies in terms of how they look, how well they perform at sports or at the gym, ...

No, I Don't Think You Have "An Emotional Void" You Don't Know About

Is the cure for binge to discover and fill your emotional voids? Nope! In this episode, Georgie takes a look at what this term even means, and provides some more usefu...

The Truth About How You Really Look

What we believe we look like can be highly distorted from what other people see. Similarly, the importance we place on attractiveness can grow like a weed in our minds...

Progression From Binge Eating to Weight Loss: Stopping at Satisfied

Stopping eating when we feel satisfied is simple, in theory. But if you've tried it, you know that in real life it can be anything but simple! In this episode Georgie ...

Progression from Binge Eating Recovery to Weight Loss: Hunger

To keep binges at bay, it's best -- at least initially -- to eat frequently enough and avoid getting hungry. But as you probably guessed, that can prevent weight loss ...

Progression from Binge Eating to Weight Loss: Emotions

Most people who join our coaching program don't just want to recover from binge eating or emotional eating, they also want to lose weight! But as many people have disc...

The No-Fail Self-Soothing Dialog (4 Steps)

One of the most common triggers for binge eating or emotional eating is being in distress. In a previous episode we covered alternative actions you can take to feel be...

"And Then The Dam Burst": Learn One Skill To Stay Steady, In Control, and Binge-Free

It can feel like it comes out of "nowhere". One minute we are fine and the next we are shoving Oreos into our mouth as fast as we can. How does this sudden and complet...

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