Displaying 91 - 104 of 104 in total

You Are The Boss of Your Eating

We love to be in control. We get to do what we want, then!  But sometimes, it feels like we aren't actually calling the shots over what we get to eat.  And that's frus...

5 Steps to Eating Dessert at a Party (While Staying in Control!)

Heading to party? Whether it's a bridal shower, holiday shindig, or a birthday bash, there's likely to be cake. Or cookies. Or both. And maybe candy too. For someone w...

You Deserve Comfort, Here's How To Get It

Emotional eating or binge eating often begins with a very normal human need: a need for comfort. Nothing in the world is more natural than wanting to feel better! Yet ...

A Flexible, Feel-Good Way of Eating

Somewhere in between ultra-rigid control and "screw it" eating, there lies a land of peaceful, healthy eating. In this episode, we'll go over how to land in this feel-...

The 2 REAL Causes of Binge Eating

Why do I binge eat? Why don't other people develop this same habit? And most importantly, what needs to change so I can STOP? We answer these questions and more in thi...

How To Overcome Your Urges in 3 Steps

At some point, you'll have to tackle an urge to binge eat. In fact, you'll probably need to face urges many time during your recovery. In this episode you'll learn our...

How to Get Back On Track After a Binge

It happens. Slip ups are not the end of the world, but if you do binge, you'll need to know how to get back on track without extending our suffering! In this episode w...

A Sneak Preview Of Your Future

In this episode you'll hear a detailed, personal account from someone who has been in your shoes. You'll hear the key lessons learned by a real life client as she work...

How Emotionally Skilled People Feel Things Differently (And You Can Too)

Emotional skill development is being uncovered as one of the crucial pieces to successfully treating and preventing eating problems. Without it, people simply don’t ge...

How To Know You Are Making Progress

Clients often ask Maryclaire and I, “What are the usual signs that someone is making progress overcoming binge eating?" It makes sense; of course we want to know how w...

Why Weight Maintenance & The Problem with No

Many people who come to Nutrition Loft wanting to permanently stop binge eating also want to be thinner. And they want to get right down to business seeing the pounds ...

How To Schedule a Day Of Binge-Free Eating

Megan thought she could bring an apple in her backpack, but to lose weight she heard snacking between meals was a bad idea. But she knew her main goal wasn’t weight lo...

Strengthen Your Motivation

The smell hits you before you walk in the door: tacos. The Mexican music emanating from the brightly colored restaurant sounds cheerful and inviting, and you can't wai...

"I'm Struggling With My Body"

Crying in dressing rooms. Afraid to go to a formal dinner. Never going to the beach. Body hatred can be cruel, and it's something most people have felt at least once i...

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