Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 in total

When Food Isn't The Fix: Emotion Regulation Skills (Part 2)

Have you noticed a pattern in your life where you use food to solve all the things? Whether you are cold, tired, behind schedule or intimidated or unsure or angry, doe...

Let's Help Marissa

 We love when we get letters from listeners! Today, we want to share one that came in from longtime listener, Marissa.Marissa has stopped binge eating thanks to follow...

When Food Isn’t the Fix: 4 Emotion Regulation Skills (Part 1)

Have you noticed a pattern in your life where you use food to solve all the things? Whether you are cold, tired, behind schedule or intimidated or unsure or angry, doe...

Your Winter Wellness Survival Guide (The Art of Wintering)

Winter is here! For many of us, it's a long stretch of the year—one that can throw a wrench in even the best-laid health plans. If you're someone who tries to stay act...

Why You're Procrastineating (and How to Change It)

Today on the show, we are going to talk about procrastineating, which is procrastination, where food is concerned. Procrastineating may show up like snacking or grazin...

How to Halt a Binge in Its Tracks

Whats the best way to smother a binge before it snowballs, stopping it from gaining momentum, and spreading it to destroy your day, weeks, or decades? Well, we actuall...

What To Do When Your Brain Goes Into "Cut and Run Mode"

Our group coaching client Emma recently reached out feeling defeated. Her vacation got derailed by an incoming hurricane. She felt like a failure of the program becaus...

Are you Anti-compassion, Anti-Praise, or Anti-Encouragement?

This is our 100th episode of the Breaking up With Binge Eating Podcast! Thank you, listeners, for the love and support of this podcast. We are glad you are here and th...

Ways To Connect With People That Don't Center Around Food

Food can be a wonderful tool of connection. You can use it to connect with others, to a nostalgic memory, while traveling to a new culture, or even connecting to your ...

How To Have Honest Conversations About Your Eating (Without Excessive Awkwardness!)

The days are gone when eating disorders and body image struggles were secrets to keep. Nowadays, people talk about them openly, which a beautiful thing. But if you are...

How to Move Away From Calorie Counting

Are you a long term calorie counter? Then you may want to consider whether it is helping or hurting your journey to breaking up with binge eating. What we have seen wi...

How to Recover From A Slip Up With Compassion

“We all make mistakes” - you’ve heard that so many times that I bet it’s practically meaningless. It’s like a bland hallmark card inscription that has zero power for m...

"I'm not fighting myself anymore on eating" (An Insider Review of Our Coaching Program)

This week, we are excited to share an insider review of our Breaking up with Binge Eating Group program. Join Georgie and Berenice, as they discuss her journey from be...

Research on Food Addiction and BED

Have you ever wondered if you are addicted to food? Can someone be addicted to food like they can be to alcohol and other substances? Many of our clients feel out of c...

Dusting off the shame & knowing your worth

This week, we are excited to share a Client interview from our 1:1 coaching program. Join Coach Christina and her former client, Maddie, as they discuss her journey of...

Research Updates On Emotional Eating and Binge Eating Disorder

Join coach Georgie and the Confident Eaters team in today's episode, as we discuss recent updates to Emotional Eating and Binge Eating Disorder in one our monthly coac...

WTF Is Stress Management Anyway?

Everybody is "stressed", but we don't always understand exactly what that means. We believe that not all stress is bad. It is a protective mechanism that helps us surv...

How to Not Beat Yourself Up (And Still Be A High Achiever)

If you've listened to our podcast before, then you've heard us talk extensively about the fact that being kind to yourself can lead to remarkable personal growth and i...

Brian: How getting to know yourself helps stop binge eating

This is a free preview of subscribers-only content! To unlock ALL the subscribers-only episodes with real clients and conversations, join us at georgiefear.com/podcast...

Help! I Meant To Make It Last All Week, But Ate It All

Right after an overeating incident or binge, once of the most helpful things to do is look back and consider what lessons we want to take from the experience. Maybe yo...

Rachel: "How To Get Off the Hamster Wheel"

This is a free preview of subscribers-only content! To unlock ALL the subscribers-only episodes with real clients and conversations, join us at georgiefear.com/podcast...

Eating to Avoid Procrastination Hell

"I'll get started... after a snack." "This is so overwhelming... I need candy." Life contains onerous tasks, and they can cause dread and anxiety even when we haven't ...

Recognizing and Soothing Scarcity Mind

"Now's my chance." "I'll be better tomorrow." "One last time." Thoughts like these can make you feel just a little more reactive, a little more tense, a little less se...

The Best Things to Do After a Mistake (To Avoid Bingeing)

The sinking feeling of realizing you made a mistake can be awful. It can lead to panic, fear, embarrassment, and often, binge eating. Presumably you are already trying...

Why's Up With The Guilt?

The following sequence may be all too familiar: You want to push yourself to do something different with food - maybe order a carb, eat the dressing, or enjoy dessert ...

Kaitlyn: "My entire day revolves around food"

"It's frustrating," says Kaitlyn. Who wouldn't be frustrated? Watching your mind circle around the next opportunity to eat like a moth doing laps around a garden light...

This Small Step Isn't Enough!

Enrolment for the Breaking Up With Binge Eating coaching program starts this week for 7 days only! Learn more at https://www.nutritionloft.com/store (Sign ups for the ...

“I listed alternate behaviors, now how do I get myself to do them?”

What should Suzanne do? She listed out alternative behaviors to turn to when she is triggered to binge. But she's not turning to them.

Food Limit Reactivity: "Even the thought of cutting back makes me binge” (part 2 of 2)

Does any type of food guideline, rule, or limit "set you off?" You're not alone. As a person's relationship with food heals, this type of food limit reactivity goes do...

Food Limit Reactivity: "Even the thought of cutting back makes me binge" (Part 1 of 2)

Food limit reactivity is an issue that I often see in my clients. If you feel like the mere thought of eating less drives you into a panic, sparking an immediate desir...

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