Seeing the Best of Yourself in Photos
As soon as you see your summer vacation photos, do you start picking apart your appearance? Ever pull out an old photo and think, "oh, I didn't look bad at all but I was convinced I looked terrible that night!" In this show we'll cover why these fun house mirror distortions happen, and how to see past them.
When we look at our reflection in the mirror, or at a photo of us taken recently, it's all-too-common to find flaws in our appearance that leave us unhappy. But looking at photos of ourselves from years ago, many people see themselves differently. "Why did I think I needed to lose weight? I looked fine!"
In this episode we'll discuss why we view current images and old images of ourselves differently, and how to be less self-critical of our current selves. (Because you are awesome, and you always were).
In this episode we'll discuss why we view current images and old images of ourselves differently, and how to be less self-critical of our current selves. (Because you are awesome, and you always were).